Bob (not his/her real name) was my friend. We had known each other for over a decade. When Bob began to experience health problems in his later years, he retired from his work and we remained friends. I regularly visited and spent time with Bob. He was lonely and seemed to enjoy my visits as we reminisced about our years of friendship and how God has seen us through so many good and challenging times.
During one of my last visits with Bob prior to his death, Bob became quiet. After a long pause in our conversation, he looked up at me and asked, “Brad, is this all there was to life?” Both Bob and I knew that the end of his earthly life was coming but I wasn’t prepared for that question. Clearly Bob had a strong and confident faith in his eternal life. But his question was about the meaning and purpose of his earthly life; his life purpose. Bob’s question landed with a thud in my gut. My first thought was, “I hope I never question whether ‘this was all there was’ at the end of my life.” I then began to think about my own life and whether I was living my divine purpose and calling. In that moment with Bob, however, I did not respond. Instead, we sat together and let that question do its work in each of us, individually.
After my visit with Bob, I felt an urgent calling to understand and live my life purpose. While the passion to understand my life purpose was there, the process for discerning and living my purpose was absent. What is my life purpose? What is the process for figuring out my purpose? What is discernment and how to I do it? The more I pondered these questions, the more frequently I hit a brick wall.
I managed to navigate through a process of discernment and eventually discovered my purpose and calling. It was a lengthy process of prayer, listening, studying, ‘taking stock of’, dreaming, and planning. At several points in my journey, I thought, “There has to be someone that knows how to do this. There has to be someone who can guide me.” This is the moment I discovered coaching, spiritual companionship, and guidance.
For over a decade, I have been a student of life purpose, meaning, and Christian calling. I have become a certified coach and studied spiritual direction and companionship. What I learned in this process is that my calling is to be a companion, guide, and coach for others who are searching for their calling.
Can personal coaching help lead you to your life’s purpose? I say “yes” because I have witnessed the flourishing of individuals who have had the blessing of such a guide in their search. Also, I have personally felt the absence of such guidance in my own life. But my experiences are not the only proof of the value of these relationships in living your purpose. While personal coaching is a relatively new phenomenon, research is emerging which points to its effectiveness (see “What is life coaching? An integrative review of the evidence-based literature”). This study from the evidence-based literature has shown evidence that personal coaching can have positive impacts on gaining clarity about one’s sense of self, creating and executing goals to live one’s ideal life, behavior change, increased self-confidence, and improved quality of life.
Is coaching the right answer to help you live your purpose? It could be if you choose the right coach who brings out your best, inspires confidence and innovative thinking, provides honest feedback, and supports you with unconditional positive regard.
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