A New and Ancient Way to Pray
I n my role as a spiritual companion, I often hear those with whom [...]
The Silent Embrace: A Holy Love Language
I invite you to take a few minutes to reflect on a couple of [...]
Being Known
O n a popular social media site, someone started a conversation about being known. [...]
Drawing Effective Personal Boundaries
Clear and healthy boundaries are critical to living your vision and creating a fulfilling [...]
The Actions and Artistry of Great Leaders – Part 2
T oday's post is part two of a series. As I began my first [...]
The Actions and Artistry of Great Leaders
I understand the challenge. You are a leader who has a dream for something [...]
Circle of Self Care Program
E ven in the best of times, life can be challenging. During those ‘other times,’ [...]
Five Powerful Steps to Squash the Negative
T urn on the television or radio and you are guaranteed to be assaulted [...]
Letting Our Souls Catch Up
Astory is told of a group of missionaries making a long trek across an [...]
The Power of Focus
It was 2:00 a.m. The heavy sleet-snow mixture pelted the big black funeral hearse [...]
Can Coaching Help You Find Your Life’s Purpose?
Bob (not his/her real name) was my friend. We had known each other for [...]
Finding Meaning in Suffering
Are you suffering? Have you ever felt you were drowning in the overwhelming events [...]
Profile on Purpose: YOU!
In my last "Profile on Purpose" column, I shared with you the story of [...]
Life Keeps Going: Live your purpose now!
We often hear of individuals who are living their lives on purpose; making a [...]