n a popular social media site, someone started a conversation about being known. Not about being “well-known” or “famous” but simply being known – fully, deeply, and completely – by another person. The hundreds of comments that followed were poignant yet somehow familiar. One person talked about his feelings of emptiness and loneliness because no one truly knows him. Another sadly reflected upon how her very own parents and best friends do not know her on the inside. One writer expressed her desire to find the right romantic partner who would know her completely and still love her.

Most of us have a desire to be known deeply by someone. We long for someone to know and understand us intimately – including our dreams, our pain, our shortcomings, our darkest secrets – and still love us.

Who Knows You?

Who knows you? I do not mean who has met you or has a casual or moderate familiarity with you. I mean who truly knows you deeply and fully? What do they think about you? For many of us, our family knows us best. Perhaps your mother, father, brother, sister or significant other knows you well. Or maybe the person who knows you best is your best friend. You might be well known in your professional circle or within your religious community. Ultimately, most of us likely feel as if someone knows us. However, deep down, many of us may relate more to the individuals who posted comments in the social media site I described above, feeling that no one knows us fully and loves us unconditionally.

The Ultimate Knower and Unconditional Lover

If feels good to be known deeply. Yet, the most profound and fulfilling “known-ness” comes from being fully known and loved by ourselves and by The Holy One. How well do you know yourself? Have you taken quiet, reflective time to truly know and understand yourself? What do you think of you? Do you love yourself? Do you lift yourself up with positive thoughts of yourself or are you your worst critic?

How are you known to The Holy One? Of course, our creator knows every detail about us. But, do you see The Holy One as an “all-too-deeply-knowing Being”; the Great Judge who knows how terrible you are and who is waiting to “lower the boom” when you make your next mistake? Or do you more accurately believe The Holy sees you and knows you as His or Her Beloved and loves you unconditionally?

Is your life’s value a sum of who knows you? Are you what others say or think about you? My favorite writer, Henri Nouwen, would respond to these questions by saying, “No, You are God’s Beloved.” God has your picture on his refrigerator door! He lovingly carries your photo in his wallet, eagerly showing you off to anyone who will look. “Look,” he says, beaming, “This is my wonderful, beautiful, BELOVED child!”  Wow! Isn’t The Holy’s unfailing, unconditional love the best place to rest?  Being known fully, deeply, and perfectly.  Being known by others suddenly seems less important.

An Invitation to Be known and Loved

Right now, an invitation awaits you to be fully known and unconditionally loved. The invitation comes from deep within your soul. Is now the time to find a quiet place to reflect and meditate on that invitation? To invite yourself to full self-knowledge and self-love? To sit quietly with the Holy and feel the loving gaze into your deepest being and the warmth of the ultimate love?

Do you accept the invitation?